Worship Services at First UU
Join us for Sunday services at 10:30 a.m. with Reverent Molly Hammerhand. We offer in person services (masked to protect our most vulnerable) and a virtual option via Zoom.
If you have questions, please feel free to call the church office at (315) 446-5940.
Dress is casual. We aim to be a community where what is written on your heart is what defines you, not the clothes on your back. Folks dress as a way of expressing themselves. We welcome who you are and your expression.
The sanctuary is handicapped accessible with handicap spaces available in both the upper and lower parking lots.
Typical Order of Service
First UU worship services include:
Announcements – general news of our church community
Words of welcome – because you are most welcome to be with us and we hope you will!
Chalice lighting read about the history of the UU chalice here
A time for all ages – typically a story or conversation for our younger members and friends but also interesting to the older folks among us,
Sharing of joys and sorrows – a time for attendees to briefly share, if they want, personal joys or sadnesses in their lives. These are more personal than the announcements. We grow our faith and our community when we can share all that we are.
A sermon,
The offering or collection,
The closing and postlude (music at the end of the service)
Music and singing play an integral role in our worship service. Children participate in the beginning of the service before going to their religious education classes.