We welcome new members to our UU community! According to our by-laws, membership in this congregation is open to any person who is in sympathy with the Principles and Purposes of the UUA and the Mission of our congregation.

Expectations of Membership

Support the congregation financially
Attend Sunday morning worship regularly
Serve needs greater than your own
Participate in ways that nourish your spirit
Affirm the Congregational Covenant

Joining the Congregation

To join this congregation please notify the minister or the First UU office of your intent. Either the minister or a member of the membership committee will contact you about the process of becoming a member.

Office Phone: 315-446-5940


  1. Sign the Membership Book – Signing the Membership Book is done in the presence of the Minister, President, or Clerk of the Board.  Twice a year we try to have a “Ne Member Recognition Sundays”.
  2. Make a pledge and a “payment of record” – Every member of the congregation is also responsible for an annual pledge and contribution of record. For members who are not able to give financially but still wish to be stewards of our community, a waiver of this requirement is available upon request to the minister.