Love’s Hands at the End/Middle of a Pandemic

CB shared their justice framework of Preemptive Radical Inclusion with us in 2016 in a service and workshop. They are going to explore how Unitarian Universalists move forward as Love’s Only Hands in the world, being preemptively and radically inclusive; be-ing and building beloved community during a pandemic. No small feat, but they are sure we are up to it.

CB Beal (they/them) is a fat, white, queer and non-binary UU religious educator, storyteller, and speaker. CB was the 2019 recipient of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Angus H. MacLean Award for Excellence in Religious Education. They make their home in a farmhouse factory library loft in western Massachusetts and consult with individuals and organizations to increase consent culture, equity, and justice in the world. You can find them online at Justice and Peace Consulting.

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