First Unitarian Universalist Society of Syracuse Program Council

committee working togetherApproved by the Board of Trustees December 2012

The First UU Program Council consists of leaders from the Facilities Team, Finance Team, Community Outreach Ministry, Congregational Care and Growth Ministry, Lifespan Faith Development Ministry, and Worship and Music Ministry, as well as the chairs of the Committee on Ministry and the Nominating Committee.

Purpose: To provide an effective, accountable, affirming, and inviting structure for all of First UU’s programs and activities, consistent with the congregation’s Mission and Purpose.

The Board of Trustees shall approve the appointments to the Program Council on an annual basis. Typically,
appointments shall occur in June, and the terms shall continue through June of the following year.

The Council shall meet at least two times a year to review event schedules coordinate activities and maintain connectivity between the programs of First UU.

Members of the Program Council shall be active members of First UU, and shall agree to be responsive to the needs and communications of First members and staff.

The Program Council shall review and propose modifications to the Council Structure, for submission to the Board of Trustees, as needed.

Responsibilities of all Committees, Teams, and Ministries:

  • Ensure compliance with the congregation’s Welcoming Congregation and Green Sanctuary policies, as well as all other policies
  • Utilize social media and other congregational communication systems to promote activities
  • Invite and engage all interested members in the activities of the Committee, Team, or Ministry


First UU’s Program Council is broken up into eight teams, each with committees that are critical in providing spiritual and sustaining growth to our community. Please consider joining one of our teams and contributing in your own way to the health and well-being of our congregation!


Nominating CommitteePurpose: To select and recommend individuals for Board, Officer, and Nominating Committee positions.The definition of this Committee is defined in the Constitution.
Congregational Relations Committee

Purpose: To affirm and support the covenantal relationships throughout the congregation.

Facilities TeamPurpose: To plan for and implement maintenance and improvements of the facility, and oversee facility usage, including the building, grounds, property, and technology infrastructure.Duties:

  • Oversee the activities of the current Building & Grounds Committee.
  • Oversee the activities of the current Facilities Use Committee, which consists of the President, Minister, and chair of the Building & Grounds Committee.
  • Oversee the activities of the individuals providing IT and office support.
  • Ensure that information for church equipment is maintained and its proper use is communicated appropriately.
Finance TeamPurpose: To oversee all aspects of congregational financial management including fundraising, income and expense planning, and investments.Duties:

  • Oversee the activities of the current Finance Committee.
  • Oversee the activities of the current Trust Committee.
  • Oversee the annual Canvass drive, including coordination of pledges throughout the year.
  • Oversee all fundraising activities.
Worship and Music MinistryPurpose: To plan and provide meaningful worship services.Duties:

  • Oversee the activities of the current Worship and Music Committee, including the coordination of the following activities:
  • Ushers and Greeters
  • Chancel Flowers
  • Service Coordinators for ley-led services and guest ministers
  • Sound system coordination
  • Summer Services
  • Working with the Minister to ensure the quality of services
Lifespan Faith Development MinistryPurpose: To provide fun and meaningful lifelong educational programming that connects learning with UU principles.Duties:

  • Oversee the activities of the current Youth Religious Education Committee.
  • Coordinate and encourage Youth Group activities.
  • Coordinate and encourage Young Adult activities.
  • Coordinate and encourage all educational programming activities.
Community Care and Growth MinistryPurpose: To build relationships, extend care to, and provide social opportunities for, the congregational community.Duties:

  • Oversee the activities of the current Membership Committee.
  • Coordinate all congregational activities that foster congregational connectedness, including the following:
  • Coffee hour after Sunday services
  • Potlucks and other meal events
  • Childcare for church activities, as needed
Community Outreach MinistryPurpose: To foster our UU values in the community at large, and engage the congregation’s members in outreach activities and social action, including providing education to the congregation.Duties:

  • Coordinate all social justice outreach activities.
  • Oversee all activities that involve outside (non-tenant) groups.
  • Oversee the activities of the current Green Sanctuary Committee.
  • Oversee the use of social media.