We will be guests of May memorial for this service. Visit www.mmuus.org for more information!
Service at May Memorial
We will be guests of May memorial for this service. Visit www.mmuus.org for more information!
Our Stories
A few years ago, I had been searching for a church/community that would be accommodating to my beliefs. I was born Muslim and do admire many things about Islam. My husband was born Eastern Orthodox Catholic. So, I have been exposed to Christianity through my husband and through friends. I like many aspects of Christianity. I found that the UU Church did not have any contradiction to the many beliefs that I have espoused. I find that the humanitarian values that are put forth by the UU Church are great and admirable.
My husband and I are both totally blind and have two Seeing Eye dogs. Not only have we been welcomed into this congregation, but we are accepted as equal participants in this caring community. Shortly after we began attending the services, we were provided braille hymnals, which demonstrates First UU’s commitment to meeting the needs of people with disabilities. We have participated in a summer service and given a presentation to the youth’s religious education classes about our blindness and how our dogs enhance our mobility. Attending the services at First UU has expanded our knowledge of social justice, provided us with deep friendships and has helped us to expand our spiritual growth.
Honesty is important to me. Honesty with those around me, but more importantly, with myself. What I truly appreciate about First UU is that I am not only encouraged to honestly develop my own spiritual beliefs, I am supported in doing so. No one is telling me what to believe. Instead, inspiration has been provided from diverse perspectives from the pulpit, courses, workshops, and dialog with other members and friends. For me, I am also inspired by so many of our traditional belief systems so wonderfully expressed by our wonderful chancel window!
I like going to First UU because I know everyone there and they are friendly. I know the building well so I don’t get lost and it is fun to play hide and seek. My RE class is small without too many kids so I feel like I can get to know them well. There is a time in the service when the kids go up front to hear a story, I enjoy listening to the stories. I would recommend First UU to other kids because it is a fun place.
At First UU, I have found an institution which does not pelt me with answers to existential questions, but which provides me opportunities to seek answers to them in a community of open-minded people as well as ways to pursue social justice in the larger community.
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Justice with Love & Joy, Open to Awe!
FUUSS is a non-dogmatic congregation. We are focused on the effects we can have on the world around us, including through social action, justice, spirituality, love and mutual understanding.
Sunday Service 10:30AM: Watch Live Stream >
109 Waring Rd • Syracuse, NY 13224
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Office Hours
Mon – Wed 9:00AM – 2:00PM
Fri 9:00AM – 2:00PM
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