Give to FUUSS

How to Give to FUUSS.

You can make a donation or pay your pledge through PayPal or Breeze by clicking on the corresponding button below. On Breeze, please use the “Comments” line to specify what your donation is for.

Other ways to give


In Sunday’s donation plate, handed to the office admin or financial secretary, or given at various events. Place in an envelope with your name and note what it is for.


In Sunday’s donation plate, mailed to the office, or handed to the office admin or financial secretary. Write on the memo what it is for.

Credit Card

At certain events, we have a Square credit card reader available for donations using a credit card.


Text “give” to (315) 642-4038. When it asks for the amount, type “$(amount)”. If you simply type in an amount, your donation will go to “Miscellaneous.” Please email to let us know if your payment is for something specific. You can also type in specific funds (e.g. “$100 Pledge”) to direct your donation to certain specific funds. These specific funds are: Plate, Pledge, Capital, and Split. Click here for more instructions on how to text in your donation.

Recurring donations can be set up through PayPal, Breeze, or by text.

A Note About Fees

Online giving incurs small fees but we believe that the convenience of having online options is an important part of stewardship. If you give through Breeze, you will be presented with an option of increasing your gift slightly to offset this fee.

A Note About Plate Vs. Pledge

Every spring, we have an annual canvass, where we ask current members and friends to make a commitment of how much they expect to donate over the next fiscal year (which runs from July 1 through June 30). When new members join, they are also asked to make a pledge. Pledges are simply a promise; knowing how much to expect helps us when we make a budget each year. 

When we receive a donation, it is recorded as a pledge payment if you have made a current pledge. If you do not have an open pledge, we record your gift as a plate donation, whether you drop it in the offering plate at a Sunday service or pay online.

This is all finance-talk and the important thing is that we are very grateful for your donation, no matter what it is called!

Click here for additional information on splitting the plate.

Text Donation Instructions.

Text the amount you’d like to give to (315) 642-4038 (e.g. $50). 

If you have donated by text before, you’ll receive a response confirming that your gift has been received successfully and you are done. You should be emailed a receipt.

If it’s the first time you are donating by text, you’ll be sent a message that says, “It looks like you are a new giver; to begin: (link provided)”. It will be a link to our online giving page. Clicking on the link, you will be asked to supply your payment method (credit card, debit card, or bank account). This payment source will then be linked with your phone number so that, in the future, all you will need to do is text in the amount. (You will not need to re-enter your payment information.)

When you type in the amount, you can direct your giving as follows:

  • If you simply type in an amount, your donation will go to “Miscellaneous”. Please let us know if your payment is for something specific.

  • “XX Pledge” to pay your current pledge (e.g “$100 Pledge”)

  • “XX Split” to donate for Split the plate

  • “XX Capital” to pay your Capital Campaign pledge

  • “XX Plate” to donate to the plate, if you do not have a current pledge

You can also type the following commands:

  • Give: Text ‘give’ to be prompted on how much you’d like to give.

  • 50: Text ’50’ to give $50 (replace 50 with the amount you’d like to give)

  • Update: Text ‘update’ to change the credit card or bank account you give from or to modify recurring gifts you’ve set up by text

  • Refund: Text ‘refund’ to refund the last text donation you made

  • 50 weekly: Text ’50 weekly’ to set up a weekly gift of $50. Replace 50 with the amount you’d like to give. You can also replace ‘weekly’ with ‘biweekly’, ‘monthly’ or ‘yearly’.

  • 50 fundname: Text ’50 fundname’ to give $50 to a specific fund. Replace ‘fundname’ with the keyword your church provides. Replace 50 with the amount you’d like to give.

  • Unlink: Text ‘unlink’ to unlink your phone from the text giving service so that your phone is no longer authorized to make donations

Splitting the Plate.

In-Person Services

At the specified service, half of all non-pledge, undesignated cash and checks are split 50/50 for the specified outside organization. Please include a memo or note clarifying your intention to split your donation if you have a current pledge.

In-Person Services

Checks – For one week following the specified service, all non-pledge, undesignated checks received at the church are split 50/50 for the specified outside organization. Please include a memo or note clarifying your intention to split your donation if you have a current pledge.

Text – Please clarify your intention to split your donation by texting “$XX Split” (replace “XX” with your chosen amount)

Online via PayPal or Breeze – Please clarify your intention to split your donation by writing a comment or memo, or by sending an email to