Speaker: Bethany Russell-Lowe

(Re)creating Sacred Space

History is filled with examples of people creating sacred space on the earth for the sake of a wider justice. The Occupy Movement. #NODAPL at Sacred Stone Camp. Black Lives Matter advocates blocking highways. What does it mean to create sacred space? What risk is required of us when we participate in these spaces? What in our UU history calls us to join in these sacred spaces?

Spirituality Through the Eyes of Women

 This worship service will explore Christian spirituality through ancient and modern women voices. What unique contributions have women made to spirituality? What can spirituality through the eyes of women teach all Unitarian Universalists today?

Prayerful Living

First Unitarian Universalist Society of Syracuse
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Syracuse
Prayerful Living

The text from a popular Unitarian Universalist covenant reads “service is our prayer.” What are the purposes of prayer for Unitarian Universalists? Is prayer always personal? Can one pray through living out their beliefs? Click here for a link to the text of the sermon.

Healing in Community

Each of our healings is our own. But healing is made easier by the company of others. How do we provide space for others to continue healing? How do we create that space for ourselves?