
The Finance Committee, chaired by Paul deLima, advises the Board of Trustees concerning matters requiring financial and business expertise, such as the annual budget, banking and investment. Finance oversees activities of the Financial Secretary, Bookkeeper, Montessori communication and fundraising.


CHARGE: To advise the Board of Trustees and carry out their directives and policies concerning matters requiring financial and business expertise.


1. Prepare a budget proposal, responsive to the needs and available funds, for approval by the Board of Trustees and then by the congregation at the annual meeting.

2. Notify the Treasurer and payroll service of salary and benefit changes as recommended by the Compensation and Benefits Committee and approved in the budget.

3. Analyze the general fund reports of the society and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees as necessary.

4. Review the building rental fee schedule biennially in January with the Building Use Committee and make recommendations for adjustment to the Board of Trustees.

5. Ensure that the records of the Treasurer, and Financial Secretary are available for audit and that they are retained per established policy.

6. Make recommendations on insurance coverage to the Board of Trustees and negotiate a policy with a suitable carrier.

7. Provide the President, Minister, and Group Leader with copies of meeting minutes and reports.

MEMBERS: Minimum of six including Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Bookkeeper, and perhaps the Canvass Chair. Some members should have financial and/or accounting expertise.

TERMS OF OFFICE: Minimum of two years